path: root/get
diff options
authorNiklas Baumstark <niklas.baumstark@gmail.com>2015-03-16 22:32:07 +0100
committerNiklas Baumstark <niklas.baumstark@gmail.com>2015-03-16 22:32:07 +0100
commit9616996dcd623a094bbe975f7e11118d33523afb (patch)
treef74a84eb8d47f67e29ac7431d42ee49d7cb7d269 /get
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'get')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/get b/get
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c0b222d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/get
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+mkdir -p tmp db
+die() {
+ echo >&2 $1
+ exit 1
+dump_symbols() {
+ readelf -Ws $1 | perl -n -e '/: (\w*).*?(\w+)@@GLIBC_/ && print "$2 $1\n"'
+extract_label() {
+ perl -n -e '/(\w+)/ && print $1'
+dump_libc_start_main_ret() {
+ local call_main=`objdump -D $1 \
+ | grep -A 100 '<__libc_start_main>' \
+ | grep call \
+ | grep -B 1 '<exit>' \
+ | head -n 1 \
+ | extract_label`
+ local offset=`objdump -D $1 | egrep -A 1 "(^| )$call_main:" | tail -n 1 | extract_label`
+ if [[ "$offset" != "" ]]; then
+ echo "__libc_start_main_ret $offset"
+ fi
+dump_bin_sh() {
+ local offset=`strings -a -t x $1 | grep '/bin/sh' | extract_label`
+ if [[ "$offset" != "" ]]; then
+ echo "str_bin_sh $offset"
+ fi
+get_ubuntu() {
+ local url="$1"
+ local info="$2"
+ echo "Getting $info"
+ echo " -> Location: $url"
+ local id=`echo $url | perl -n -e '/_(.*)\./ && print $1'`
+ echo " -> ID: $id"
+ if [[ -e db/${id}.info ]]; then
+ echo " -> Already have this version, 'rm db/${id}.*' to force"
+ return
+ fi
+ echo " -> Downloading package"
+ rm -rf tmp/*
+ wget $url 2>/dev/null -O tmp/pkg.deb || die "Failed to download package from $url"
+ echo " -> Extracting package"
+ cd tmp
+ ar x pkg.deb || die "ar failed"
+ tar xf data.tar.gz || die "tar failed"
+ cd ..
+ local libc=`find tmp -name libc.so.6 || die "Cannot locate libc.so.6"`
+ echo " -> Writing libc to db/${id}.so"
+ cp $libc db/${id}.so
+ echo " -> Writing symbols to db/${id}.symbols"
+ (dump_symbols $libc; dump_libc_start_main_ret $libc; dump_bin_sh $libc) \
+ > db/${id}.symbols
+ echo " -> Writing version info"
+ echo "$info" > db/${id}.info
+get_current_ubuntu() {
+ local version=$1
+ local arch=$2
+ local info=ubuntu-$version-$arch
+ echo "Getting package location for ubuntu-$version-$arch"
+ local url=`(wget http://packages.ubuntu.com/$version/$arch/libc6/download -O - 2>/dev/null \
+ | grep -oh 'http://[^"]*libc6[^"]*.deb') || die "Failed to get package version"`
+ get_ubuntu $url $info
+get_all_ubuntu() {
+ local info=$1
+ local url=$2
+ for f in `wget $url/ -O - 2>/dev/null | grep -oh 'libc6_[^"]*' |grep -v "</a>"`; do
+ get_ubuntu $url/$f $1
+ done
+get_current_ubuntu trusty i386
+get_current_ubuntu trusty amd64
+get_current_ubuntu utopic i386
+get_current_ubuntu utopic amd64
+get_all_ubuntu archive-eglibc http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/eglibc/
+get_all_ubuntu archive-glibc http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/