""" Tested with pefile 1.2.10. An implementation to push or pop a section header to the section table of a PE file. For further information refer to the docstrings of pop_back/push_back. by n0p """ import pefile, pydasm, sys class SectionDoublePError(Exception): pass class SectionDoubleP: def __init__(self, pe): self.pe = pe def __adjust_optional_header(self): """ Recalculates the SizeOfImage, SizeOfCode, SizeOfInitializedData and SizeOfUninitializedData of the optional header. """ # SizeOfImage = ((VirtualAddress + VirtualSize) of the new last section) self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage = (self.pe.sections[-1].VirtualAddress + self.pe.sections[-1].Misc_VirtualSize) self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfCode = 0 self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfInitializedData = 0 self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfUninitializedData = 0 # Recalculating the sizes by iterating over every section and checking if # the appropriate characteristics are set. for section in self.pe.sections: if section.Characteristics & 0x00000020: # Section contains code. self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfCode += section.SizeOfRawData if section.Characteristics & 0x00000040: # Section contains initialized data. self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfInitializedData += section.SizeOfRawData if section.Characteristics & 0x00000080: # Section contains uninitialized data. self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfUninitializedData += section.SizeOfRawData def __add_header_space(self): """ To make space for a new section header a buffer filled with nulls is added at the end of the headers. The buffer has the size of one file alignment. The data between the last section header and the end of the headers is copied to the new space (everything moved by the size of one file alignment). If any data directory entry points to the moved data the pointer is adjusted. """ FileAlignment = self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment SizeOfHeaders = self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeaders data = '\x00' * FileAlignment # Adding the null buffer. self.pe.__data__ = (self.pe.__data__[:SizeOfHeaders] + data + self.pe.__data__[SizeOfHeaders + len(data):]) section_table_offset = (self.pe.DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew + 4 + self.pe.FILE_HEADER.sizeof() + self.pe.FILE_HEADER.SizeOfOptionalHeader) # Copying the data between the last section header and SizeOfHeaders to the newly allocated # space. offset_new_section = section_table_offset + self.pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections*0x28 size = SizeOfHeaders - offset_new_section data = self.pe.get_data(offset_new_section, size) self.pe.set_bytes_at_offset(offset_new_section + FileAlignment, data) # Checking data directories if anything points to the space between the last section header # and the former SizeOfHeaders. If that's the case the pointer is increased by FileAlignment. for dir in self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY: if offset_new_section < dir.VirtualAddress and dir.VirtualAddress < SizeOfHeaders: dir.VirtualAddress += FileAlignment self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeaders += FileAlignment # The raw addresses of the sections are adjusted. section_raw_address = section_table_offset + 0x14 for section in self.pe.sections: self.pe.set_dword_at_offset(section_raw_address, section.PointerToRawData+FileAlignment) section_raw_address += 0x28 self.pe.parse_sections(section_table_offset) def __is_null_data(self, data): """ Checks if the given data contains just null bytes. """ for char in data: if char != '\x00': return False return True def pop_back(self): """ Removes the last section of the section table. Deletes the section header in the section table, the data of the section in the file, pops the last section in the sections list of pefile and adjusts the sizes in the optional header. """ # Checking if there are any sections to pop. if ( self.pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections > 0 and self.pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections == len(self.pe.sections)): # Stripping the data of the section from the file. if self.pe.sections[-1].SizeOfRawData != 0: self.pe.__data__ = self.pe.__data__[:-self.pe.sections[-1].SizeOfRawData] # Overwriting the section header in the binary with nulls. # Getting the address of the section table and manually overwriting # the header with nulls unfortunally didn't work out. self.pe.sections[-1].Name = '\x00'*8 self.pe.sections[-1].Misc_VirtualSize = 0x00000000 self.pe.sections[-1].VirtualAddress = 0x00000000 self.pe.sections[-1].SizeOfRawData = 0x00000000 self.pe.sections[-1].PointerToRawData = 0x00000000 self.pe.sections[-1].PointerToRelocations = 0x00000000 self.pe.sections[-1].PointerToLinenumbers = 0x00000000 self.pe.sections[-1].NumberOfRelocations = 0x0000 self.pe.sections[-1].NumberOfLinenumbers = 0x0000 self.pe.sections[-1].Characteristics = 0x00000000 self.pe.sections.pop() self.pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections -=1 self.__adjust_optional_header() else: raise SectionDoublePError("There's no section to pop.") def push_back(self, Name=".NewSec", VirtualSize=0x00000000, VirtualAddress=0x00000000, RawSize=0x00000000, RawAddress=0x00000000, RelocAddress=0x00000000, Linenumbers=0x00000000, RelocationsNumber=0x0000, LinenumbersNumber=0x0000, Characteristics=0xE00000E0, Data=""): """ Adds the section, specified by the functions parameters, at the end of the section table. If the space to add an additional section header is insufficient, a buffer is inserted after SizeOfHeaders. Data between the last section header and the end of SizeOfHeaders is copied to +1 FileAlignment. Data directory entries pointing to this data are fixed. A call with no parameters creates the same section header as LordPE does. But for the binary to be executable without errors a VirtualSize > 0 has to be set. If a RawSize > 0 is set or Data is given the data gets aligned to the FileAlignment and is attached at the end of the file. """ if self.pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections == len(self.pe.sections): FileAlignment = self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment SectionAlignment = self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SectionAlignment if len(Name) > 8: raise SectionDoublePError("The name is too long for a section.") if ( VirtualAddress < (self.pe.sections[-1].Misc_VirtualSize + self.pe.sections[-1].VirtualAddress) or VirtualAddress % SectionAlignment != 0): if (self.pe.sections[-1].Misc_VirtualSize % SectionAlignment) != 0: VirtualAddress = \ (self.pe.sections[-1].VirtualAddress + self.pe.sections[-1].Misc_VirtualSize - (self.pe.sections[-1].Misc_VirtualSize % SectionAlignment) + SectionAlignment) else: VirtualAddress = \ (self.pe.sections[-1].VirtualAddress + self.pe.sections[-1].Misc_VirtualSize) if VirtualSize < len(Data): VirtualSize = len(Data) if (len(Data) % FileAlignment) != 0: # Padding the data of the section. Data += '\x00' * (FileAlignment - (len(Data) % FileAlignment)) if RawSize != len(Data): if ( RawSize > len(Data) and (RawSize % FileAlignment) == 0): Data += '\x00' * (RawSize - (len(Data) % RawSize)) else: RawSize = len(Data) section_table_offset = (self.pe.DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew + 4 + self.pe.FILE_HEADER.sizeof() + self.pe.FILE_HEADER.SizeOfOptionalHeader) # If the new section header exceeds the SizeOfHeaders there won't be enough space # for an additional section header. Besides that it's checked if the 0x28 bytes # (size of one section header) after the last current section header are filled # with nulls/ are free to use. if ( self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeaders < section_table_offset + (self.pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections+1)*0x28 or not self.__is_null_data(self.pe.get_data(section_table_offset + (self.pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections)*0x28, 0x28))): # Checking if more space can be added. if self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeaders < 0x1000: self.__add_header_space() print "Additional space to add a new section header was allocated." else: raise SectionDoublePError("No more space can be added for the section header.") # The validity check of RawAddress is done after space for a new section header may # have been added because if space had been added the PointerToRawData of the previous # section would have changed. if (RawAddress != (self.pe.sections[-1].PointerToRawData + self.pe.sections[-1].SizeOfRawData)): RawAddress = \ (self.pe.sections[-1].PointerToRawData + self.pe.sections[-1].SizeOfRawData) # Appending the data of the new section to the file. if len(Data) > 0: self.pe.__data__ = self.pe.__data__[:] + Data section_offset = section_table_offset + self.pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections*0x28 # Manually writing the data of the section header to the file. self.pe.set_bytes_at_offset(section_offset, Name) self.pe.set_dword_at_offset(section_offset+0x08, VirtualSize) self.pe.set_dword_at_offset(section_offset+0x0C, VirtualAddress) self.pe.set_dword_at_offset(section_offset+0x10, RawSize) self.pe.set_dword_at_offset(section_offset+0x14, RawAddress) self.pe.set_dword_at_offset(section_offset+0x18, RelocAddress) self.pe.set_dword_at_offset(section_offset+0x1C, Linenumbers) self.pe.set_word_at_offset(section_offset+0x20, RelocationsNumber) self.pe.set_word_at_offset(section_offset+0x22, LinenumbersNumber) self.pe.set_dword_at_offset(section_offset+0x24, Characteristics) self.pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections +=1 # Parsing the section table of the file again to add the new section to the sections # list of pefile. self.pe.parse_sections(section_table_offset) self.__adjust_optional_header() else: raise SectionDoublePError("The NumberOfSections specified in the file header and the " + "size of the sections list of pefile don't match.") def print_section_info(pe): for section in pe.sections: print section # If you don't have pydasm installed comment the rest of the function out. print "The instructions at the beginning of the last section:" ep = pe.sections[-1].VirtualAddress ep_ava = ep+pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase data = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()[ep:ep+6] offset = 0 while offset < len(data): i = pydasm.get_instruction(data[offset:], pydasm.MODE_32) print pydasm.get_instruction_string(i, pydasm.FORMAT_INTEL, ep_ava+offset) offset += i.length def main(argv): pe = pefile.PE("putty.exe") sections = SectionDoubleP(pe) # JMP 0044C4DF # NOP # 0x0044C4DF is the entry point of putty.exe (at least of my version) when it's mapped at # 0x00400000. data="\xE9\xDA\xF4\xFC\xFF\x90" try: # Characteristics: Executable as code, Readable, Contains executable code sections.push_back(Characteristics=0x60000020, Data=data) sections.push_back(Characteristics=0x60000020, Data=data) except SectionDoublePError as e: print e print "Information on every section after two sections have been added:" print_section_info(pe) try: sections.pop_back() except SectionDoublePError as e: print e print "\nInformation on every section after one of the added sections has been removed:" print_section_info(pe) pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint = pe.sections[-1].VirtualAddress pe.write(filename="putty - modded.exe") if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])